No one will wonder whether or not it’s the Second Coming
2Thessalonians 1: He will be exalted by his followers and celebrated by all who believe.
The second letter to the church at Thessalonica picks up right where the first left off. Paul’s friends there have some questions about the Second Coming of Jesus and the events associated with it. In fact, his first letter may have been misunderstood resulting in the writing of this second, shorter, more to the point letter. One thing Paul wants to make perfectly clear: Jesus is coming back and when he does there’ll be no doubt that “this is it.” Twenty years earlier Jesus warned his followers that people would panic, causing some of them to rush here and there, trying to be at the right place for his return. Now, Paul deals with this same topic. Jesus will appear “in a blaze of fire” accompanied by “strong angels.” On that “very same day” he’ll be exalted and celebrated by those who believe in him. In other words, Christians won’t have to go searching for Jesus and none will be left in the dark concerning his return. As I read these words I’m reminded that those who teach a “secret rapture” don’t necessarily have it right. I’m friendly to the view, but I don’t think it’s the only way to talk about the return of Jesus. Either way, the most important thing isn’t getting the details all worked out. Rather, it’s being ready. As Paul puts it, “pray that our God will make you fit for what he’s called you to be.” Passing a theology quiz isn’t required for entry into heaven.
Take Away: While it’s nice to think one has a handle on some of the more difficult portions of Scripture, it’s even better to live in a right relationship the Lord.