Devotional on Isaiah

Garner State Park, TX – 2006

Iā€™d rather do it myself
Isaiah 30: Your salvation requires you to turn back to me and stop your silly efforts to save yourselves.
The salvation being spoken of in this passage isnā€™t “getting religion.” Instead, itā€™s salvation from an enemy thatā€™s threatening to destroy them. Their effort to save themselves includes preparing for war and forming an alliance with a powerful nation that they might defend themselves. Still, thereā€™s a spiritual element here. Their nation’s existence has always been improbable, a seeming fluke of history. Their ancestors were slaves who never had a chance of calling any land their own. Had it not been for God Almighty acting on their behalf they would have, by now, been one of thousands of forgotten people groups, a mere footnote in history. To forget just who they are how they came to be is a recipe for disaster. However, thatā€™s exactly what theyā€™ve done. Theyā€™ve removed from their lives the One who gave them existence in the first place. Now, when everything starts coming apart theyā€™re looking for a “reasonable” solution; a solution that excludes God. Through Isaiah the God theyā€™ve ignored tells them that they have only one chance and that chance is in him. Whatā€™s true of nations is also true of individuals. I owe my very life to him. The next breath I take is a gift of the God who has loved me and patiently worked in my life. To turn my back on him and fool myself into thinking I can handle life on my own will result in disaster. In Isaiah’s words: my “strength will come from settling down in complete dependence” on the Lord. There’s plenty of hope here, but also thereā€™s plenty of warning.
Take Away: The Lord is our hope ā€“ our only hope.

Devotional on Isaiah

2007 – near Brennan, TX

Grace as far as the eye can see
Isaiah 30: Cry for help and you’ll find it’s grace and more grace.
Things are a mess for the people of God. Theyā€™re living apart from the God who gave them life. Their nation is under considerable threat and theyā€™re looking for help from everywhere but from the Lord. Things look hopeless and, if they continue as they are, that is just the way it is. Still, through Isaiah, the Almighty reaches out to them. Isaiah says “He’s waiting around to be gracious to you.” This is as powerful a vision of God’s grace as you’ll ever find apart from the cross. If the Lord is waiting for me to mess up so he can “get me” the wait would be long over. Instead, I see here a picture of God Almighty patiently waiting for me to look his way. When I do that, he doesn’t tell me I’ve been bad and that I deserve what Iā€™m about to get. Rather, he tells me he loves me and wants to transform my life in wonderful ways. The only thing that stands between me and the grace of God is, well, me! When I bring my messed up life to him he begins to pour grace out: bucketfuls of it! How about you? Have you been afraid to come to God because you think heā€™s just waiting to send you to hell? If so, this passage contains some of the best news you’ll ever find. When you turn to the Lord you find an ocean sized portion of grace just for you.
Take Away: The only thing standing between you and grace is you.

Devotional on Isaiah

2008 – at Biltmore Estate, NC

Better pay attention
Isaiah 65: I reached out day after day to a people who turned their backs on me.
Sometimes I think we read passages about the merciful patience of God and conclude that we can get away with about anything; that in the end, God will still be there, willing to forgive and forget our sins. Isaiah’s picture of the Lord isn’t quite as comforting. Things start off that way though. God says, “I’m available, ready to be found and reaching out day after day to even those who turn their backs and walk away.” Know what? We’d better keep reading. In that same message the Lord says heā€™s sick of them and their home made religion. Even while God has been waiting heā€™s been watching and as he watches he takes note of all the rebellion thatā€™s going on. It may be that the most important words in this message arenā€™t that God has continued to reach out to them even in their sin. Rather, the words that arrest our attention ought to be, “I’m not putting up with this any longer.” Itā€™s one thing for a person to have honest doubts and even honest misconceptions about the Lord and how he works in this world. It is something else to take the patience of mercy of God for granted.
Take Away: Donā€™t take for granted the mercy and patience of the Lord.

Devotional on Ezekiel

2010 – Goose Island State Park, TX

Donā€™t push God too far
Ezekiel 24: I wanted to clean you up, but you wouldn’t let me.
I don’t like this portion of Ezekiel. He graphically describes people’s betrayal of God as adultery. The picture is ugly and the images are “R” rated. Not only that, but Ezekiel offers them no hope. God, he says, is done with them. Even if the sexual content of this passage didn’t earn an “R” the violence Ezekiel says is coming would. Again, this isnā€™t a warm, fuzzy passage! The Lord doesn’t want it to be this way. Even after his people committed spiritual adultery with other gods and nations he reached out to them. The problem was that they wanted none of it. No matter what God did or said, they refused to respond. They turned their backs on God and acted in ways intended to send him the message that they didn’t want anything to do with him. It could have been different. His plan was to clean them up, to make them into a holy people, his very own. In fact, that’s still his plan. However, that will come in a different generation. For now, he’s finished with them and he’s going to clean the place up by getting rid of them. Their children and grandchildren will get another chance, not them. The Lord won’t force us to come to him. We can break his heart and we can make him angry but he’ll never force us to do the right thing even when it’s for our own good. I may not be able to solve the needs of my life but I do have the final say as to whether or not God is allowed to do so. If I agree, he’ll go to work, cleaning up the mess I’ve made. If I refuse, there’s a very real danger that he’ll let me continue down the path I insist on traveling and in so doing, will arrive at the destination I’ve persisted in reaching.
Take Away: We may not be able to solve the needs of our lives but we have been granted the responsibility and ability to allow the Lord to do so.

Devotional on Malachi

2014 – Horsethief Campground – Moab, UT
Repentance lessons
Malachi 3: Return to me so I can return to you.
If my relationship with God is strained or even broken today thereā€™s a remedy. When, like the Prodigal Son, I come to my senses, rise, and return to my Father I find that heā€™s been waiting for me all along. What a relief it is to know that the Lord doesnā€™t hold a grudge against me. Rather, he patiently reaches out to me, calling me to himself. When Malachi states this spiritual fact of life to his congregation, someone asks for more information on this ā€œreturningā€ business. Exactly how do they do that? The prophet has an answer ready. A sure sign that a person’s returning to God is honest repentance on their part. In Jesusā€™ parable, the Prodigal is honest with himself and with his father. Heā€™s messed up and he wants to make things right. He knows he doesnā€™t deserve re-admittance into his fatherā€™s household as a son, so heā€™ll take what he can get. That, my friend, is honesty. In this passage, Malachi points out that theyā€™ve been dishonest with God in the stewardship of their possessions. He tells them that, for them, honesty with God means admitting their failure in this matter. This business of bringing sick and blind animals for sacrifice has to be stopped, confessed, and made right. Their practice of shortchanging God with their tithes has to end and be corrected. Thatā€™s what repentance is all about: confession and change. Through his prophet, the Lord says, ā€œIf youā€™ll return to me in repentance, Iā€™ll return to you and bless your life in wonderful ways.ā€ When a nation as a whole makes things right with God, Malachi says, itā€™ll be voted ā€œHappiest Nationā€ and be known as a ā€œcountry of grace.ā€ Thatā€™s a good place to live.
Take Away: A sure sign that a person’s returning to God is honest repentance on their part.

Devotional on 1 Corinthians

2014 – Cape Disappointment

Canā€™t we all just get along?

1Corinthians 1: You must get along with each other.

As I understand it, Corinth is a lot like the Old West of American movies. Itā€™s a rough and tough place with lots of immorality. Paul comes preaching the Gospel of Jesus and many of these rowdy people become believers. For a year and a half (a long time for him) Paul stays, establishing them in the faith, teaching them what it means to be Christians. Now, heā€™s moved on, but has received word that things arenā€™t going very well in Corinth. One of the big problems is lack of unity. The Church of Corinth is splitting, not into two parts, but into several. In fact, if thereā€™s an opportunity for discord, theyā€™ve found it. Paul writes to them, saying, ā€œYou must get along with each otherā€ and then both reasons with them and shames them into unity. As I consider this passage the call of Jesus to his followers to be one even as he and his Father are one feels quite distant. I share the Apostleā€™s concern as I look at the state of Christianity today. Sometimes ā€œonenessā€ seems out of reach and I wonder if Paul was writing to the Church today what he would say. There is, though, a silver lining in these opening words of 1 Corinthians. Itā€™s Paulā€™s sunny, optimistic approach to all this. He describes the church as ā€œcleaned up by Jesus and set apart for a God filled lifeā€ and reminds them that Jesus ā€œwill never give up on you.ā€ The Lord has already done a lot in their lives and Paul assures them that heā€™s going to keep right on working. So, as I read these words today I confess that the state of Christianity today concerns me. At the same time Iā€™m infected by Paulā€™s optimistic view of the Church. Itā€™s good to remember that God’s still at work today.

Take Away: The Lord is working inside the Church to make us one, and, as we cooperate with him, thatā€™s just what heā€™s going to do.

Devotional on 2 Corinthians

2014 – Along Oregon Hwy 101 – north of Florence

Not a warm and fuzzy conclusion

2Corinthians 13: I want to get on with it, and not have to spend time on reprimands.

The final portion of this second letter to the church at Corinth isnā€™t just a warm, friendly closing. Paul writes with apostolic authority to the church there. He lays it on the line, telling them that heā€™s soon to make his third trip their city and that heā€™s already warned them that if habitual sinners donā€™t clean up their act that in the name of Jesus heā€™ll clean up the church there. He tells those whoā€™ve been demanding proof that he speaks for the Lord that, unless things improve, theyā€™ll get more proof than they want. This is pretty strong stuff and itā€™s not just a bluff. Some years earlier, for instance, on the island of Paphos a sorcerer named Elymas opposed Paulā€™s preaching of the gospel. The Apostle turned to him, and without laying a hand on him struck him blind. When Paul tells those who oppose his gospel at Corinth that if they donā€™t straighten up theyā€™ll get plenty of reason to believe he speaks with the authority of the Lord heā€™s not just making a lot of noise. However, that isnā€™t how Paul wants it to be. His job is to bring people to the Lord so he can make them complete, not to strike people blind or worse. Paulā€™s approach here reminds me that spiritual things are serious and need to be handled carefully. Itā€™s dangerous to be flip and irreverent. It may seem that people get away with stuff like that, but Paul warns them (and us) that itā€™s possible to go too far for too long and that to do so has real consequences. At the same time Iā€™m reminded that thatā€™s not what Christian leadership is all about. Paul has shown a great deal of patience in this situation. Heā€™s prayed and pleaded and appealed to them as a father dealing with loved children. Heā€™d much rather help broken people find restoration in Christ and, in fact, the only reason he warns them as he does in this case is that his mission of reconciliation is being threatened by some insiders who oppose this ministry.

Take Away: Be carefully reverent about the things of God.

Devotional on 2 Peter

2014 – Yosemite National Park

Why itā€™s taking so long for Jesus to come back

2Peter 3: So whatā€™s happened to the promise of his Coming?

The Apostle tells his readers that as the time for the return of Christ gets closer that people will be more outspoken in their doubt that it will happen. One of their reasons for doubting is that itā€™s been so long since the promise was made. Common sense, they think, dictates abandoning belief. People will think, ā€œNothing like that has ever happened since the beginning of time, now so long after the promise, things have continued as they have always been. Itā€™s time to move on and forget about the promise.ā€ Peter gives a three point response to that kind of thinking. First, thereā€™s precedence for God stepping in and changing everything. After all, for eons the universe existed without this planet. Then, God stepped in, bringing about the creation of this very world. Later on, in Noahā€™s day, God changed everything again by bringing to pass a great flood. Here are two prime examples of God intervening in Creation to do a new thing. Second, time matters a lot more to us than it does to the Eternal One. A thousand years is a lot of time for humanity, but itā€™s a blink of the eye for the Ancient of Days. Third, God has reason to wait. That reason is that he wants to give more generations opportunity to be redeemed. The Lord wants to save people; all the people he can save. Therefore, heā€™s patient, taking all the time necessary to get as many in as he can. The Day of Judgment is definitely coming. Jesus will return and that will set the whole End of Time in motion. Meanwhile, we wait with the understanding that God knows exactly what heā€™s doing and at just the right time Jesus will come back. My job is to get ready, to stay ready, and to help all who will to prepare for that certain upheaval of history.

Take Away: No doubt about it, Jesus is coming back.

Devotional on Revelation

2014 – Grand Canyon, AZ

When Godā€™s had enough

Revelation 18: The Strong God who judges her has had enough.

The actual God has had enough. It takes a lot to arrive at this place. A lot of Godā€™s grace has to be rejected. A lot of his patience has to be wasted. As weā€™re reminded by the writer of Hebrews, ā€œIt is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.ā€ All heaven cheers this act of Judgment, not because of vengeance, but because of righteousness. For a righteous, pure, holy God to be who he is, ultimately, the end of all that is unrighteous, impure, and unholy must come. Itā€™s not as though there havenā€™t been opportunities to turn around. I can say with confidence that thereā€™s been at least 2000 years. At some point the patience of God will be exhausted. I want to be standing on the right side of things when God has ā€œhad enough.ā€

Take Away: For the Lord to be righteous, pure, and holy, sooner or later all that is unrighteous, impure, and unholy must be defeated.

Devotional on Genesis

2013 – Smoky Mountains and vicinity – White Water Falls

Jacobā€™s stairway vision
Genesis 28: God was in this place ā€“ truly. And I didnā€™t even know it.
Jacob ā€“ that ā€œheel grasperā€ has lived down to his name. He, with this help of his mother, fooled his father, Isaac, into granting him the precious blessing that rightfully belonged to his brother. Now, heā€™s paying for it by having to get out of the country before Esau can get his hands on him. Alone in the night he has an unexpected encounter with God. In spite of his failure and lack of character God graciously renews to Jacob the promise he made to his grandfather, Abraham. Jacob awakes from his dream and says, ā€œGod was here, in this place ā€“ far from home, when I have done nothing but wrong, and when I am not thinking of him at all ā€“ he was here all the time.ā€ Jacob is not only on a long journey in distance, heā€™s at the first step of a spiritual journey that will take decades. This ā€œheelā€ has heard from God and while thereā€™s still more wrong than right about him this ā€œstairway visionā€ marks the beginning of that spiritual journey. The story of Jacobā€™s spiritual journey is more entertaining than most, but it does remind us of our own stories. I am glad today for Godā€™s grace ā€“ his unexpected, unearned, promising, and patient grace.
Take away: Thank God for grace.

Devotional on Exodus

2014 – Sumner Lake State Park, NM

The best thing to say to God
Exodus 4: God got angry with Moses.
Later on weā€™re told that Moses is the most humble man alive and knowing that I tend to cut him some slack when he keeps backing up on Godā€™s call on his life. However, when I see the Lord getting angry in the face of all his objections I realize that humble or not, Moses is treading on thin ice with the Almighty. The Lord is appearing to Moses in a burning bush with the promise that, in spite of the kingā€™s opposition that Moses will lead the people out of Egypt. Moses wants the Lord to give him a Name to use when he goes to the Hebrews and the King. The Lord obliges. Moses wants some kind of sign that will convince Pharaoh that itā€™s the Almighty heā€™s dealing with. The Lord gives him not one sign but three. Then Moses adds that he doesnā€™t want to actually do any of the talking and wants the Lord to name a spokesperson other than himself. At that point, heā€™s nearly found the end of Godā€™s patience. The Lord promises Moses that heā€™ll give him the words to say and everything will be okay. When Moses persists in wanting someone else to do his talking for him, he nearly blows the whole deal with God. However, the Lord is merciful and tells Moses heā€™ll use his brother, Aaron, as spokesman. This, my friend, is a lesson in how not to deal with God. Itā€™s not that exchanges with the Lord shouldnā€™t be open and honest. However, they should also be reverent and trusting. The best answer to God is just two words, ā€œYes, Lord.ā€
Take Away: The only reasonable response to the Almighty is: ā€œyes.ā€

Devotional on Judges

2014 – Monterrey Peninsula, CA

Putting out a fleece
Judges 6: Let me say one more thing. I want to try another time with the fleece.
Here we are reading about Gideon and his fleece of wool. Actually, Gideon asks for, and receives, three signs from God. First, the angel of the Lord causes a fire to miraculously appear and consume his offering. Second, his fleece of wool gets wet from the dew while everything else stays dry. Third, the situation is reversed and the fleece stays dry while everything else gets wet from the dew. This is interesting reading, but it isn’t a lesson in how weā€™re supposed to deal with God. Weā€™re to be people of faith, trusting in the Lord and learning to hear his voice. Weā€™re not supposed to be sign-seekers and deal-makers. The star of this story isnā€™t Gideon, a near heathen who keeps getting signs from God confirming what heā€™s clearly already been told. The Star is God, who is patient even when Gideon keeps asking him to prove his own words. Iā€™m thankful for a patient God who puts up with my shallowness even as he works to produce in me a more mature relationship with himself. Generally speaking though, I need to just do whatever it is God has made clear to me without “putting out a fleece.”
Take Away: Donā€™t press Godā€™s patience ā€“ just obey in the first place.

Devotional on 1 Samuel

2014 – Jerome, AZ

1 Samuel 7: If you are truly serious about coming back to God, clean houseā€¦they did it.
A slow but sure movement of God has been taking place for over 20 years. People are more reverent concerning spiritual things and the worship of the Lord God has become more and more common. Now, through the ministry of God’s man, Samuel, theyā€™ve arrived at a crossroads. Itā€™s time for a clean break with the gods of Canaan and to surrender to the true God. Theyā€™ve come a long way during these 20 years but itā€™s now time to close the deal. Itā€™s time to decide. Itā€™s time to commit. Their response is a powerful three-word sentence: “They did it.” Reading these words reminds me of watching the eastern horizon at the dawning of a new day. The sky slowly becomes brighter, a hint of things to come. Then, with dazzling beauty, the sun slips into view, flooding the earth with the light of a new day. In the book of 1 Samuel we can watch the process with spiritual eyes. A childless woman prays and a son is given. The boy hears the Voice of God calling him in the night. The adventures of the Ark of God begin to transform the thinking of the people. Samuel inaugurates his ministry by calling for a decision. “They did it.” A new day dawns for Israel! Spiritual awakenings call for decision and commitment.
Take Away: God moves, but he doesnā€™t force us to respond.

Devotional on 2 Kings

2017 – Black Hills Needles Highway

Mistaking Godā€™s patience for a lack of seriousness
2Kings 25: This should have been no surprise — God had said it would happen.
Judah finds itself in the middle, right between two warring world powers. On one side is Egypt and on the other is Babylon. Like some small island out in the Pacific during the Second World War, this small nation is thrust onto the world stage, not because of its military might, but simply because of its location. Upon Josiah’s untimely death the nation struggles for its identity. Sadly, it is Josiah’s reforms that lose favor. Soon, the nation is once again on the road to spiritual and national disaster. Raiding bands begin to assault Judah as the two big players on the world scene fight it out. Itā€™s Babylon that wins. Following the “conquer and relocate” policy of Assyria before them the people of Jerusalem are relocated to a distant land with only the poor left to be ruled by a puppet king. The writer of 2nd Kings tells us that no one should have been surprised. For over 300 years theyā€™ve been warned that God isnā€™t some kind of lucky charm for them. They mistakenly thought that being the “people of God” meant that, ultimately, they would be safe. They thought that because of Josiah’s reforms they were inoculated against failure. Because of the patience and mercy of God over the years, they downplayed the warnings they were given again and again. Finally though, things happened just as God had said they would. Iā€™m reminded today that God isn’t kidding when he says heā€™ll judge sin. Itā€™s a dangerous thing to mistake the patience of God with his not being serious in what he says.
Take Away: Donā€™t mistake the patience of the Lord for a lack of seriousness on his part.

Devotional on 2 Kings

2017 – Black Hills Needles Highway

The end
2Kings 25: Judah went into exile, orphaned from her land.
Following its defeat by Babylon Zedekiah is made king of the now subjected Judah. However, in spite of all thatā€™s happened, Zedekiah ignores God and then foolishly rebels against Babylon. This is the final step on the road to destruction. King Nebuchadnezzar personally oversees the final defeat of Jerusalem and then orders its total destruction. Anything of value is carried off and the rest is leveled. Even the Temple is destroyed as the city is left desolate, uninhabitable. For this generation itā€™s all over. Those who survive will live their lives as exiles, with all the wonderful promises of the now-broken Covenant discarded in the pile of rubble that was Jerusalem. History tells us the human reasons for all this: the rise of Babylon, the defeat of Egypt and Assyria, and the physical location of Judah. However, the Bible tells us the spiritual reason: sin. They rejected God and then, after centuries of patience and renewed chances, God rejected them. It isn’t easy, but it is possible to exhaust the patience of a merciful God. This ought to serve as a warning to both individuals and nations.
Take Away: Thank the Lord for his mercy and patienceā€¦yes, thank him, but take advantage of them too.

Devotional on 2 Chronicles

2018 – Sightseeing Acadia National Park and area

Responding to God
2 Chronicles 29: I have decided to make a covenant with the God of Israel.
Hezekiah announces his intention to make a covenant with God. He sees that the old covenant has been broken and is in need of repair. His ā€œnew covenantā€ is really a reinstatement of the ā€œold covenant.ā€ While the statement suggests that Hezekiahā€™s taking the initiative here by approaching the Lord with an offer, the fact is that God has patiently waited for a response like this. If Hezekiah sees this whole event as his initiative I guess thatā€™s okay but actually God is, and always is, the ā€œFirst Mover.ā€ Thatā€™s how it is for us too. Like the prodigal, we think to ourselves, ā€œI will arise and go to my Father,ā€ as though itā€™s all our idea in the first place. And, just like it is in that story we arrive and find that the Father has been patiently waiting for us all along. To ā€œdecide to make a covenantā€ is a good thing, an important decision. However, such a move is only possible by what John Wesley might describe as the ā€œgrace that goes beforeā€ — God at work making it possible for us to come to that decision in the first place.
Take Away: Do you need to work some things out with God? Guess what? Heā€™s already moving to work things out with you!

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