Devotional on Proverbs

2004 – Big Island, Hawaii

Dare to discipline
Proverbs 13: A refusal to correct is a refusal to love.
I love being around my grandkids. Thereā€™s nothing better than spending time with these little ones. However, believe it or not, even my own precious grandchildren arenā€™t always perfect! Iā€™m sure they come closer to perfect than any grandchildren who’ve ever lived, but still, there are a few little things that have to be kept in check. Thatā€™s what their dad and mom, along with maybe a little help from their grandparents, are supposed to do. Parents need to provide loving discipline to their children. I’m not trying to debate the value of a particular type of discipline here, but as I read the words “a refusal to correct is a refusal to love” Iā€™m taken by the common sense truth being stated. Parents who love don’t just throw up their hands and let the kids do “whatever.” Loving parents step up to the plate even when theyā€™re worn out from the day. Even then, they expend the energy to take their children in hand, insisting that they behave themselves within the limits of their capability. The disciplining part of parenting isnā€™t the fun part, but itā€™s one of the loving parts. As the wise man says, “love your children by disciplining them.”
Take Away: Children are a gift of the Lord, but that gift does come with responsibilities attached.

Devotional on Ezekiel

2010 – Garden of the Gods – Colorado Springs, CO

Faithful to the task
Ezekiel 2: Whether they listen is not your concern.
I don’t know what to do with the strange vision of wheels, faces, and wings Ezekiel has as I start reading his book. I think I’ll retreat to my devotional approach for the time being. Ezekiel’s commission is similar to that of Jeremiah. The Lord warns him that the people he’s going to speak to aren’t likely to listen to his message. Ezekiel is to proclaim just what he’s told to proclaim and not worry about the results. As I find this theme I first found in Jeremiah being repeated here I can’t help but think about free will. Jeremiah pled with his people to listen and return to God and thus divert the disaster that was promised. In spite of his faithful proclamation, the bottom line was that people could respond or not. Now that the catastrophe has come, the Lord raises up a prophet to the exiles, giving him similar instructions. He’s to reach out to these rebellious people while knowing that they’ll probably not respond. The Lord tells Ezekiel it’s his job to do the preaching and that he has to leave the results in the hands of those who can accept or reject his message. A couple of things come to mind. First, I see the absolute value God places on free will. He won’t negate it even for my own good. Second, I see the amazing love and grace of the Almighty. Even when he sees that his invitation to mercy is likely to be rejected he insists on reaching out anyway. Also, the Lord’s quite willing to enlist us to this task. Still my responsibility ends with my obedience to the Lord, for those to whom Iā€™m sent that’s where their responsibility begins.
Take Away: All anyone can do is to obey the Lord ā€“ the results are out of our hands.

Devotional on Ezekiel

2010 – Goose Island State Park, TX

Accepting fault, doing something about it
Ezekiel 18: The soul that sins is the soul that dies.
A common saying in Ezekiel’s day is that “the parents ate green apples and the children got a stomachache.” That saying describes the current plight of the people of Judah. Their nation has been defeated and many have been exiled far from home. They blame it all on their parents and consider themselves to be victims of the failure of others. Ezekiel says that isn’t so. While it’s true that their ancestors failed God, the current generation has plenty of failure of its own. Ezekiel wants them to understand that when a wicked person turns from his or her wicked ways that God is gracious and rich in forgiveness. God, he tells them, doesn’t hold a grudge. On the other hand, if a righteous person abandons that righteousness he or she stands guilty before God. Past righteousness doesn’t make a person immune from current failure and judgment. The bottom line is that the Lord will “judge each of you according to the way you live.” The spiritual principle here is that it’s our current relationship with God that really matters. Ezekiel’s advice is still good today. He says since it’s “right now” that counts, those who are living apart from God and blaming their parents (or someone else) for it need to “turn around…make a clean break” and “live!”
Take Away: It’s our current relationship with the Lord that really matters.

Devotional on Hosea

2013 – Monticello, IL – Robert Allerton Park

Meeting expectations
Hosea 10: Sow righteousness, reap love.
The prophet says things arenā€™t going to work out for Israel. Generations earlier, when the Lord delivered them from Egyptian slavery, he had plans for them. They were going to be a force for righteousness on earth. The Lord likens them to a strong farm animal that’s hitched up to the plow and can powerfully prepare the ground for planting. This isn’t a put down. In this culture any farmer who has such an animal is proud of it and cares for it. The Lord says he saw such potential in that nation of slaves. These people could change the earth for good as they spread righteousness everywhere. Again, though, it isn’t going to work out. Instead of planting righteousness and love, they spread wickedness, evil, and lies. Not only do they fail to live up to their promise, they also have the audacity to work against God’s purpose rather than for it. I’m reminded today that the Lord is well aware of my potential. He knows what’s likely beyond me and he knows what I can do if I put my mind to it. Of course, I never want to be guilty of taking God’s gifts and using them to work against him but I don’t even want to disappoint him. I may not have the capability to change the world but surely I can help sow a little righteousness in the lives of those around me.
Take Away: The Lord knows what we can do in the work of his kingdom ā€“ and he expects us to do it by his grace.

Devotional on Amos

2013 – Allegany Mountains of New York

Just one of the shepherds
Amos 1: The Message of Amos, one of the shepherds of Tekoa.
Aside from the few words of introduction found in the opening of his writings, we know nothing of Amos. He isnā€™t a member of the royal family or priesthood and he doesnā€™t have any famous relatives. He describes himself as ā€œone of the shepherdsā€ of an unimportant town. Amos numbers himself with the poor and unprivileged people of his society. That standing flavors his entire ministry. When he speaks of poor people being mistreated he does so as one who has experienced that mistreatment. In about 40 years Israel will fall, rejected by God and defeated by her enemies. One of the reasons for that fall is that Godā€™s people have separated themselves from the compassion of God to their poor. The book of Amos is an important book for people of all periods of history because, as Jesus said, ā€œthe poor you will always have among you.ā€ How does God expect a prosperous nation to treat its poor? How does he expect we who live in comfortable, secure homes to treat those in our community who live in want? Finally, what if we fail at this point? Amos gives us a first-hand response to these questions.
Take Away: As a people of the Lord we can never separate ourselves from his compassion on the poor.

Devotional on Romans

2014 – Cape Disappointment


Romans 10: Grand processions of people telling all the good things of God!

Paul quotes the prophet Isaiah all through this passage. In his day, Isaiah extolled the value of messengers who went from place to place proclaiming the message of hope to their generation. That, he says, is a beautiful thing. Paul is sorry that the people of Israel of his day arenā€™t the ā€œmessage-proclaimers.ā€ Theyā€™ve had every opportunity to play that role but instead insist on doing things their own way. Theyā€™re the losers in that. Now, I read this scenario and think about my own generation. Like the messengers of Isaiahā€™s day, the Church has Good News. We should be happily ā€œtelling all the good things of God.ā€ All too often though, like the people of Israel of Paulā€™s day, weā€™ve retreated to our church buildings and busied ourselves with committees and programs, hanging our shingle outside inviting those want to know more to come on in. Beyond that, weā€™ve divided up into different camps, drawing lines and building walls. Weā€™d rather argue over finer points of the Bible than go next door to offer a cup of cold water in Jesusā€™ name. Isaiah reminds us that itā€™s a beautiful thing when Godā€™s people take the Good News to those who need it so desperately. Paul, though, reminds us that itā€™s possible for those with the Good News to fumble and fail. Does this kind of thinking alarm us? It should.

Take Away: Who do I know who needs the Good News?

Devotional on 1 Timothy

2014 – Redwoods National Park, CA

The social ministry of the church

1Timothy 5: Take care of widows who are destitute.

Itā€™s a different culture and time so I need to be careful to find principles rather than try to apply specifics to passages like this. Paul instructs Timothy, first of all, to differentiate between younger widows, widows with family, and, what he calls ā€œlegitimate widows.ā€ He thinks itā€™s best for younger widows to marry and get on with life. Families of widows are to take care of their own and not expect the church to do their job for them. However, the destitute widow, without means or family, is the responsibility of the church. Again, I need to look for principles here and not get mired down in specifics. For instance, family responsibility trumps church responsibility. Also, if my need can be handled through ā€œmore conventionalā€ means, Iā€™m to follow that route first. The church, I understand, has responsibilities to care for its people but itā€™s not to be the first solution. Paul gives Timothy a written policy to be followed here. If itā€™s followed, the energies and resources of the church wonā€™t be hijacked by concerns that are best addressed elsewhere. On one hand, then, I have a fairly straightforward principle here. On the other hand, I have to admit that the practical application is quite challenging.

Take Away: The church has a role to play in social issues, but it generally isnā€™t the primary support organization.

Devotional on Hebrews

2014 ā€“ Oregon 101 ā€“ along the southern coast

Continuing the story

Hebrews 11: Their faith and our faith would come together to make one completed whole.

This chapter of the Bible is called the ā€œfaith chapterā€ because of its almost poetic description of the power of faith. Now, itā€™s not just faith in faith. The focus of this powerful faith is clearly identified as ā€œtrust in God.ā€ If I place my faith elsewhere, no matter now sincere that faith might be; it will be an act of foolishness that will take me down the path of disappointment and maybe even destruction. The heroes of faith described in this passage didnā€™t believe in belief. Rather they believed in, and trusted in, God. These people werenā€™t disappointed as the Lord came through for them in wonderful ways. The writer takes us on a faith tour, stopping before each exhibit just long enough to remind us of their victorious stories. Before weā€™re ready, he tells us time is up and we get just a glance down the hall of ā€œcurrent eventsā€ where we see people making great sacrifices for their faith, believing whatever it is theyā€™re facing is worth the reward they’re earning. As we prepare to move on, our host says something quite surprising. As wonderful as their examples of faith is, itā€™s incomplete. Weā€™re not on this tour just to look back. Rather, weā€™re here to be inspired to join in; to add our stories to theirs. Their looking-forward-to-Godā€™s-better-plan-faith is to be balanced and completed by our embracing-the-better-plan-thatā€™s-now-available-faith. As we live in this new salvation plan we prove the validity of their faith years ago. They carried the torch of faith as far as they could; now itā€™s been passed on to us. What an honor, what a privilege, and what a responsibility is ours.

Take Away: We donā€™t just remember great faith of years gone by ā€“ we embrace it and advance it to our day and age.

Devotional on Genesis

2013 – Great Smoky Mountains National Park

On being my brotherā€™s keeper

Genesis 4: How should I know? Am I his babysitter?
An interesting thing about the Lordā€™s exchange with Cain is that they both know the answer to the question thatā€™s asked. Obviously, the Lord knows what has happened. Of course, Cain knows where Abel is, after all, heā€™s his murderer. Cainā€™s response: ā€œAm I my brotherā€™s keeper?ā€ has become one of many famous one liners from the Bible. This murderer not only pretends he doesnā€™t know about Abel, but that, even if he does know, it isnā€™t his responsibility to take care of him. On a very specific level, I agree with Cainā€™s statement. As creatures with free will weā€™re not responsible for what others do. As a pastor of several years of experience, Iā€™ve heard plenty of excuses from people who place the blame for their failure on someone, anyone, else. Because of that, I agree with Cain on at least one level. However, Cainā€™s suggestion that he operates solo and isnā€™t accountable for his brotherā€™s whereabouts is a pitiful failure on his part. Even (and thatā€™s a mighty big ā€œevenā€ in this situation) ā€“ even had he not killed his brother, and had poor Abel just wandered off in search of one of his sheep and gotten lost, in Godā€™s eyes, Cain has a certain amount of responsibility for him. Our lives are connected at many points and the Lord expects our behavior to reflect this. Many years down the road, Jesus will help me understand this better in the parable of the Good Samaritan and even better when he takes personal responsibility for my lost condition.
Take away: Iā€™m not responsible for what others do of their own free will, but I am accountable before God to show compassion to them.

Devotional on Exodus

2014 – Dead Horse Point State Park, UT

A lesson on leadership
Exodus 32: Moses said to Aaron, ā€œWhat on Earth did these people ever do to you that you involved them in this huge sin?ā€ Aaron said, ā€œMaster, donā€™t be angry. You know this people and how set on evil they are.ā€
Aaron is left in charge while Moses is up on the mountain meeting with God. Just as the Lord said, thereā€™s an idol-centered orgy going on. Moses demands an explanation from his brother who responds that these people are just bad people and thereā€™s nothing he can do. Aaron is supposed to be the leader here, but heā€™s a spectacular failure. Leaders must have vision and be skilled in organizing and persuading people to work toward the fulfillment of that vision. Aaronā€™s view of leadership is to help the people do what they want to do already. His excuse to Moses is, ā€œthatā€™s just how these people are.ā€ His error is huge and because of it he fails his people, Moses, and God. Genuine leaders donā€™t wring their hands as people do the wrong thing. Neither is it testing the political winds and ā€œleadingā€ the people to do what they already want to do, right or wrong. In fact, leadership can be lonely and occasionally it is practically suicidal. Aaron should have stood for Godā€™s way even if it meant that the people just ran over him to do what they wanted in the first place. Moses understands leadership. He takes a position away from the goings on and calls for those who are on Godā€™s side to join him. Heā€™s going to make things right no matter what the cost. Thatā€™s leadership.
Take Away: Leadership is more than helping people do what they would do anyway.

Devotional on Numbers

2014 – Mt Rainier National Park

Be quiet and eat your manna
Numbers 11: I’ll take some of the Spirit that is on you and place it on them.
Thereā€™s a problem with the manna. It still tastes fine and supplies, apparently, the recommended daily dietary needs. However, manna for breakfast, lunch, and supper seven days a week is boring. In Egypt they had meat, cucumbers and melons, onions and garlic. In the wilderness they have manna, manna, and more manna. In their dietary frustration they complain to Godā€™s, man, Moses and for him this is the breaking moment. Heā€™s angry with the people and heā€™s angry with God. In fact, he declares, if this is the way it has to be he would just as soon be dead. Moses has been burning the candle at both ends and now the fire has met in the middle. People, like Moses, who have performed admirably through the most difficult circumstances, hit the wall and suddenly some minor problem causes them to crash. Know what? I think it’s Moses’ own fault. His father-in-law, Jethro, told him he couldn’t do it all alone back in Exodus 18 and a plan was set up at that time. After that Moses spent time on the mountain with God, the terrible golden calf incident and some other things happened. I don’t know this for sure, but it looks like the plan Jethro suggested has dropped by the way and Moses is back to being “the guy” for everything. If this is true the result is predictable: Moses finds himself drowning in responsibility. Leaders need to remember that no matter how skillfully they organize things in the beginning and no matter how high the quality of leadership that’s brought on board, that they must continue to hold the plan in shape. Otherwise, things will unravel, and, over time everything will once again be propped up against them.
Take Away: Skillful leadership includes recognizing, training, and empowering others. It also includes the providing of constant maintenance.

Devotional on Deuteronomy

2014 – Cape Disappointment, WA – North Head Lighthouse

Inherited blessings and personal decisions
Deuteronomy 5: God didn’t just make this covenant with our parents; he made it also with us, with all of us who are alive right now.
Some things are generational. That is, theyā€™re passed along from parents to their children. Some of the promises of God are like that. Such promises are made to a people, a nation. Because of that it could be said that the children inherit the promise from their parents. Some generational issues are not exactly the property of the children in the way those big promises are, but because of human nature, they almost seem to be. Parents have an influence on their children. If that influence is godly the result is very likely a positive one. On the other hand, if that influence is negative, itā€™s very possible that things will begin to unravel more and more with each passing generation. However, it doesnā€™t need to be that way. The reason is that God remains active from one age to the next. Moses tells his listeners that the relationship God had with their parents, a relationship that was broken by their disobedience, is now offered to them. They won’t say, “Weā€™re God’s people because our parents were God’s people.” Instead, theyā€™ll be his people because God has called them and theyā€™ve responded to that invitation. Itā€™s a wonderful thing when parents pass their faith along to their children. It is even better when the children actively respond making that relationship to God their very own.
Take Away: A person who had godly parents is blessed, indeed. Still, that person has the responsibility of claiming that blessing ā€“ that relationship- as their very own.

Devotional on 1 Kings

2015 – St Clair Thousand Trails, MI

Weight of leadership
1Kings 15: He was openly evil before God, walking in the footsteps of Jeroboam, who both sinned and made Israel sin.
The writer of the books of the Kings gives us only snapshots of the parade of kings of both Judah and Israel. Sometimes thereā€™s just one highlight (or “lowlight”) mentioned. Over in Israel, Jeroboam dies and his son Nadab comes to power. Nadab lasts for just two years before heā€™s assassinated and replaced by Baasha. Baasha knows that God rejected Jeroboam and his family because of Jeroboam’s sin but that doesn’t stop him from following the same road to ruin. He rules Israel for 24 years but his legacy is his spiritual failure and his leading of Israel farther away from God. We aren’t surprised when we see God rejecting him and sending word that heā€™s going to reduce Baasha and his regime to cinders. While Iā€™m a firm believer in free will, I see that God holds Baasha responsible for the sin of all Israel. Leadership has privileges but it also comes with a hefty helping of responsibility. God expects leaders to not only be righteous themselves, but to influence those who follow them to greater righteousness as well. Thatā€™s true of pastors and churches, but, as I see here, itā€™s true for national leaders and their subjects too.
Take Away: Leaders who forget the responsibility side of their position are walking the road to failure.

Devotional on 1 Chronicles

2018 – Lake Conroe Thousand Trails – Willis, TX

Springtime always comes
1 Chronicles 20: That spring, the time when kings usually go off to war….
Itā€™s a rather off handed statement, said as though itā€™s a truism that every reader will accept without a further thought. Itā€™s springtime and the king is off to war. From here, we move forward to a few accounts of the victories won by David and his army, including more battles with big guys similar to Goliath. Apparently, the writer thinks that weā€™ll all agree that thereā€™s a time for national leaders to lead their nations into war. David lives in an imperfect day in which some nations are belligerent against other nations. If he relaxes, enjoying the success the Lord has given him, the enemies of Israel will move to wipe them off the face of the map. Therefore, when the weather is right, Davidā€™s army gears up for war, knowing that if they donā€™t theyā€™ll be erased by those who wish them dead. Thatā€™s a long time ago and the world has changed, right? You know that aside from the fact that armies no longer wait till spring to do battle that the world remains a dangerous place. I know I canā€™t take a passing phrase from 1 Chronicles to develop a philosophy of international relationships, but I do think that this is an example of a national leader doing whatā€™s necessary to keep his nation safe and secure. As a people of God we hate war; especially the pain and suffering it brings to the innocent. It would be better if ā€œspringtimeā€ never came, but we know it will and because of that we regrettably conclude that a primary responsibility of national leaders is to prepare for war and, while all that is possible to avoid war, to respond when necessary.
Take Away: We need to pray for our national leaders.

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