Devotional on Romans

2014 – Mt St Helens, WA

A theology book

Romans 1: I write this letter to all the Christians in Rome, Godā€™s friends.

No one knows who it was who took the Gospel message to Rome. Some think Peter, but thatā€™s due to a particular theological agenda that isnā€™t supported by the historical commentary of the book of Acts. I do have the idea that some who heard Peterā€™s great message on the Day of Pentecost were from Rome and were among the 3000 who became believers. Perhaps they returned home and established Christianity in Rome. If I understand the chronology right, as Paul writes this letter heā€™s about three years from the events recorded in the closing chapters of Acts that will bring him to Rome. In his other letters, he deals with specific concerns because he’s had personal contact with the churches. When he writes to the church at Rome he takes a different approach. The result is the finest book of theology ever written. I donā€™t know what the original readers thought of this letter but can only guess that they were as blown away by its depth and complexity as I am. Happily for me, Iā€™m not committed to write a commentary on Romans, just some devotionals. Humanity, Paul says, has ignored God resulting in a sort of downward spiral into more and more outrageous and destructive sin. This book of theology describes how it is God has acted to remedy that situation.

Take Away: If you like to read theology you can do no better than to commit yourself to becoming an expert on the book of Romans.

Devotional on Romans

2014 – Mt St Helens, WA

God at work here

Romans 2: There is something deep within them that echoes Godā€™s yes and no, right and wrong.

Paul hasnā€™t spent his time locked up in some ivory tower thinking about hypothetical situations. Rather, more than anyone else, heā€™s gone out into the real world dealing with people from all walks of life and a variety of religious beliefs. We think that if we have a spirited exchange with a friend whoā€™s a Catholic or a Pentecostal or a Baptist that weā€™ve been debating religion. Paul has encountered a variety of religious views that reveal our denominational differences to be as trivial as they really are. Heā€™s worked with idol worshipers and with a wide variety of pagans. In all that, Paul has never backed away from his faith in Jesus Christ and heā€™s proclaimed that faith at considerable personal cost. Still, even in the most non-Christian settings heā€™s discovered in people the image of God. Heā€™s seen in those whoā€™ve never heard of the Ten Commandments or the Sermon on the Mount an innate understanding of the concepts taught to Godā€™s people by them. This, Paul says, is a proof of Godā€™s hand in their lives and a reminder that their coming to Christ isnā€™t as distant a journey as one might think. On one hand, I donā€™t want to drift into the dangerous waters of universalism. Among other things, that diminishes the sacrifice our Lord made on the cross. On the other hand, I want to appreciate the good things I see in people who havenā€™t yet come to the Lord. On every human heart, follower of Jesus or not, a sign can be hung declaring ā€œGod at work here.ā€

Take Away: Before I ever think of God he thinks of me and before I ever respond to him, heā€™s already at work in my life.

Devotional on Romans

2014 – Mt St Helens, WA

Grace extended to both insiders and outsiders

Romans 3: Out of sheer generosity he put us in right standing with himself.

The Jews, Paul says, have a special relationship with God. Theyā€™re the writers of Scripture, introducing God to the world. Thatā€™s a place of great honor, but itā€™s no guarantee of salvation. Not only that, but these custodians of Godā€™s Word have, themselves, failed to live according to it. Meanwhile, the outsiders have gone their own way. Ignorant of Godā€™s commands, uninterested in his ways, they too have failed. The result is ā€œthat weā€™re sinners, every one of us, in the same sinking boat with everybody else.ā€ So now what? Those with the inside path to God havenā€™t followed it and those on the outside havenā€™t found it. Hope for salvation has to come from, not within, but from outside of humanity. Enter Jesus. Through him the remedy for failure and sin is offered. The Jews need him because theyā€™ve rejected what they knew God wanted. The outsiders need him because theyā€™ve never started down Godā€™s path in the first place. The generous provision of God is his making a way to life for all people, Jews and non-Jews alike. The hope of salvation, then, is in this wonderful expression of Godā€™s grace to a lost human race.

Take Away: For those who know the law but havenā€™t kept it and for those who never kept it because they never knew it, that is, for all of us, our only hope is Godā€™s grace.

Devotional on Romans

2014 – Mt St Helens, WA

A ā€œme-storyā€ or a God-story?

Romans 4: The story weā€™re given is a God-story, not an Abraham-story.

The Old Testament story of Abraham doesnā€™t start with ā€œAbraham sought Godā€ or ā€œAbraham was a righteous man.ā€ Rather, the focus is on God who approaches Abraham, makes promises to him, and calls him to follow. Obviously, without Abrahamā€™s response there would be no story. However, itā€™s even truer that without Godā€™s first call, Abraham would have had no opportunity to obey in the first place. In the book of Romans, Paul wants us to understand the route to righteousness. We donā€™t arrive at a certain place where the Almighty is impressed by us and decides to take us under his wing. Rather, even when weā€™re hopelessly lost the Lord seeks us out, calls to us, makes promises to us and then awaits our response. The greatest thing Abraham ever does is to respond to what God does. As I apply that to my life I find all the rules being rewritten. If itā€™s just me doing stuff, even things that impress others, itā€™s not worth much. However, if I respond to Godā€™s grace in my life, and then live my life in him, things happen that would have never otherwise been accomplished. My life becomes, not a ā€œme-story,ā€ but becomes a God-story.

Take Away: It all starts with the grace of God. I plug into that grace by faith.

Devotional on Romans

2014 – Mt St Helens, WA

Grace wins

Romans 5: When itā€™s sin verses grace, grace wins hands down.

Obviously, it all starts with Adam, the first human being. This first manā€™s failure puts in motion a whole string of failures. Humanity is in a death spiral. One manā€™s sin results in the sins of many. One manā€™s sin results in the deaths of many. Without an intervention this story is going to end badly. Then, Godā€™s own Son, Jesus, Son of God and Son of Man, steps into history. Adamā€™s disobedience brings death. Jesusā€™ obedience brings life. For humanity itā€™s a gift beyond understanding. Our sin: our crushing, destroying, death dealing sin seems insurmountable. Now, through Jesus, the remedy is given. Sin, as powerful as it is, meets its match. Grace wins.

Take Away: No matter how great the sin, it meets it match in Godā€™s matchless grace.

Devotional on Romans

2014 – Chehalis, WA Thousand Trails – chapel


Romans 6: You are dead to sin and alive to God.

The topic is freedom. When I was bound in sin, living a dead end life without hope Jesus came to rescue me. Taking my sin as his own, he carried it to death, stripping it of its grip on me. Then, in the resurrection, the possibility of new life came to me. When I join Christ at the cross I die to sin. When I join him at the tomb on resurrection morning, that resurrection life becomes mine. Now, I stand a free man, made new by the work of Christ. Iā€™m filled with thanksgiving and forever indebted to the One who has made it all possible. The freedom Iā€™ve received is a cherished possession, one that I guard carefully, realizing that some acts are out of bounds for me because to do them would place me back in bondage from whence I came. Instead, I willingly serve the One who gave me freedom, bound, not by sin and death, but by love.

Take Away: Iā€™m boundā€¦not by sin, but by Godā€™s love.

Devotional on Romans

2014 – Mt St Helens, WA

The greatest need of the believer

Romans 7: But I need something more.

In this passage the Apostle describes the frustration of many of Godā€™s people. Heā€™s been set free from sinā€™s prison and now wants to live Godā€™s way. He understands that Godā€™s ways are right but under the influence of sin even the purity of the Law becomes a tool of temptation and failure. Heā€™s been freed from prison but some of that prison remains in him. He declares ā€œI need something more.ā€ A believer doesnā€™t have to attend a particular brand of church to identify with this statement. Having been forgiven of sins I set out to live a new life of righteousness in fellowship with the Lord. However, I come to the conclusion that this isnā€™t as easy as it appears. In fact, the harder I try to live that life of righteousness the clearer it becomes that, in Paulā€™s words: ā€œI obviously need help!ā€ Is this passage a pitiful surrender to sin? When all is said and done, is the Christian life all about grimly holding on through repeated spiritual failure? The Apostle will more fully answer these questions as he continues writing in what we call chapter eight, but he tips his hand when he says, ā€œThe answer, thank God, is…Jesus Christ.ā€

Take Away: Without the deeper work of God the Christian life is one of constant struggle.

Devotional on Romans

2014 – At Long Beach, WA Thousand Trails – Cape Disappointment – on the beach a short walk from the campground

Godā€™s answer to sin-in-me

Romans 8: With the arrival of Jesus, the Messiah, that fateful dilemma is resolved.

Whatā€™s the answer to a failure filled Christianity? Am I destined to a defense oriented spiritual life? Is my constant excuse, ā€œthe spirit is willing but the body is weakā€? The gloom of Romans 7 is blown away by the opening words of Romans 8. Before Christ, Romans 7 was the norm, but itā€™s the norm no more. In Christ ā€œa new power is in operationā€ and everythingā€™s changed. When I cry out to God for relief from sin he responds in Christ to defeat sin-in-me once and for all. The blood of Christ is applied to my life to bring about a ā€œdeep healingā€ and sin-as-a-condition is defeated. Now, a new day dawns in my spiritual life. Iā€™m led ā€œout into the open, into a spacious, free life.ā€ Iā€™ve been ā€œdelivered from that dead lifeā€ and the Spirit is now living in me. As a child of God who struggles with sin, I cry out to my Heavenly Father for help. He responds by doing a work in me as ā€œGodā€™s Spirit touchesā€ my spirit resulting in a deeper relationship with God and a level of spiritual living I never before dreamed possible.

Take Away: In God, thereā€™s wonderful freedom from self and sin.

Devotional on Romans

2014 – At Long Beach, WA Thousand Trails – Cape Disappointment – on the beach a short walk from the campground

Iā€™ve been included

Romans 9: They were so absorbed in their ā€œGod projectsā€ that they didnā€™t notice God right in front of them.

Big issues are in play here. Paul says that while the descendants of Abraham are the people with the promise of God that promise remains under Godā€™s control. Even among Abrahamā€™s descendants some are excluded and have no part in the promise. For instance, twin brothers (Jacob and Esau), before theyā€™re ever born are treated differently from one another by God. One will be part of what God is doing in the world and the other wonā€™t. Some Israelites have the idea that salvation is uniquely theirs because of their lineage. Paul says thatā€™s not how it is. The only real decision maker here is God, so when some of Abrahamā€™s descendants have tried to take the ball and run with it, making salvation their personal property, theyā€™ve run head first into the Almighty who reminds them that this is his doing and not theirs. Israel doesnā€™t own salvation ā€“ God does. This is Good News for those of us who would otherwise be considered outsiders and ineligible for this wonderful plan of salvation.

Take Away: Thereā€™s a wideness in Godā€™s mercy.

Devotional on Romans

2014 – Cape Disappointment


Romans 10: Grand processions of people telling all the good things of God!

Paul quotes the prophet Isaiah all through this passage. In his day, Isaiah extolled the value of messengers who went from place to place proclaiming the message of hope to their generation. That, he says, is a beautiful thing. Paul is sorry that the people of Israel of his day arenā€™t the ā€œmessage-proclaimers.ā€ Theyā€™ve had every opportunity to play that role but instead insist on doing things their own way. Theyā€™re the losers in that. Now, I read this scenario and think about my own generation. Like the messengers of Isaiahā€™s day, the Church has Good News. We should be happily ā€œtelling all the good things of God.ā€ All too often though, like the people of Israel of Paulā€™s day, weā€™ve retreated to our church buildings and busied ourselves with committees and programs, hanging our shingle outside inviting those want to know more to come on in. Beyond that, weā€™ve divided up into different camps, drawing lines and building walls. Weā€™d rather argue over finer points of the Bible than go next door to offer a cup of cold water in Jesusā€™ name. Isaiah reminds us that itā€™s a beautiful thing when Godā€™s people take the Good News to those who need it so desperately. Paul, though, reminds us that itā€™s possible for those with the Good News to fumble and fail. Does this kind of thinking alarm us? It should.

Take Away: Who do I know who needs the Good News?

Devotional on Romans

2014 – Cape Disappointment Lighthouse

You arenā€™t down for the count

Romans 11: Are they down for the count…the answer is a clear-cut no.

The people of Israel, Paul says, have, in general, messed up royally. They had an inside track to God but rejected him. Because of their disobedience and unbelief theyā€™ve been cut off and are no longer connected to the ā€œrootā€ of Godā€™s love and faithfulness. The Lord, who specializes in taking bad situations and turning them into good ones, has used their rejection as a way to open the door for all peoples of the world to come in. When an ā€œoutsiderā€ believes in Jesus that person is grafted into the ā€œvineā€ of Godā€™s grace. In this the outsider becomes an insider. Now, what of those people of Israel who became dead to God because of their unbelief? Is it too late for them? Is their permanent loss a sad necessity that the way to God be opened for the non-Jews? Paul answers, ā€œNo way!ā€ He serves a God of Second Chances and even now the Lordā€™s working out a restoration for those whoā€™ve been cut off. In his plan itā€™s never been ā€œJews verses Gentiles.ā€ The Lord’s working right now to bring salvation to all, grafting in all who will come, making them part of his family. Isnā€™t this good news! The Gentiles have never known God, but now a way has been made for them to connect to him. The people of Israel have a long history with God but blew it. Still, God works to bring them back home. Maybe you were raised in church and knew the Lord as Savior at one time but now all thatā€™s past tense in your life. I have Good News for you. As it was for the people of Israel who messed up royally there remains hope. Right now the Lord invites you to return and be reattached to the vine of his mercy, love, and grace. Even if everyone else has given up on you, God hasnā€™t.

Take Away: God is the God of Second Chances.

Devotional on Romans

2014 – Cape Disappointment

Overcoming evil

Romans 12: Get the best of evil by doing good.

Having done the heavy lifting of theology, the Apostle turns his attention to practical Christian living and his opening instructions on the topic, Romans 12, feel a lot like Jesusā€™ beatitudes. Here I find a series of helpful and challenging concepts. Thereā€™s enough material here for an entire book, making it difficult for a writer to pick just one thing and focus on it. Paulā€™s summary, though, is attention getting. Christians, Iā€™m told, live in a world containing plenty of evil. Opportunities to do wrong abound with even good things, like having personal resources, carrying with them some built in temptations. With the potential of wrong attached to everything from spiritual gifts to that which is obviously wrong how does a Christian cope? The best way, according to this passage is ā€œby doing good.ā€ I take each circumstance of life and ask, ā€œWhat good thing can I do here?ā€ Some things are easily understood. For instance, if I have the gift of teaching, I stick to my teaching, using that gift for good. Some things are quite understandable but harder to apply: if I have an enemy, I do good by blessing him rather than quietly cursing him. If I donā€™t have a clue as to what to do, I do my best, believing God will take care of it. This, Iā€™m told is the secret to overcoming evil. I beat it by doing good.

Take Away: This is easier said than done, but, by Godā€™s grace, it can be done.

Devotional on Romans

2014 – Cape Disappointment

Wake up and smell the coffee!

Romans 13: Be up and awake to what God is doing!

Iā€™m chest deep in my life in the church. Iā€™m a pastor so I have a love and responsibility for the flock I shepherd. Beyond that, Iā€™m a denominational pastor so I have connections to maintain, meetings to attend, reports to do. Iā€™m okay with it all. I pastor a fine congregation and Iā€™m proud of my denominational ties. I wouldnā€™t have it any other way. Still, I have to be careful that programs and meetings and traditions donā€™t own me. Sometimes, I need to be reminded that God doesnā€™t exist to help me plan the fall program of the church and he isnā€™t waiting on the denomination to tell him whatā€™s next. In fact, sometimes God sees trends and opportunities that arenā€™t even on my radar screen. I need to be careful that my religious life isnā€™t all about me performing as God sits in the audience wondering what Iā€™ll do next. I belong, not to my local congregation or the denomination or even the Church universal, but to the Lord. Iā€™m reminded of all that today in the words of the Apostle. Whatā€™s God doing right now and how does he want me to be part of it? Thatā€™s how the Church at large needs to operate. This is how the local church is to think. Itā€™s how Iā€™m to live my life.

Take Away: Donā€™t get so immersed in church culture that you fail to maintain contact with the Lord.

Devotional on Romans

2014 – Cape Disappointment

Making the main thing the main thing

Romans 14: None of us are permitted to insist on our own way in these matters.

Thereā€™s trouble down at the church. Some folks have decided that they have a corner on Godā€™s truth. Other folks have done the same and their ā€œtruthā€ is different than that of the others. Theyā€™ve had duels with their Bibles and some of the discussion has brought more heat that light. There have been a few church parking lot conversations and not a few phone calls. Any day now things are coming to head and the result wonā€™t be pretty. The outsiders donā€™t even understand the fight but they do see this as another example of the failure of Christianity. ā€œThey canā€™t even get along with one another, much less save the world.ā€ The thing is that this isnā€™t Christian behavior. The Bible says that one Christian isnā€™t supposed to demand that other Christians do things their way. Paulā€™s main example is dietary concerns and he also tosses into the mix the concept of keeping a day as holy. The Apostle practices what he preaches here. If I think something is important Iā€™m to pursue it in my life, doing it as unto the Lord. Meanwhile, Iā€™m to leave you alone about it. We have bigger fish to fry (or maybe tofu in this case). The Lord invited us to follow him and to join him in extending the hope of salvation to others. How can we do that if weā€™re fussing about the finer points of the Law? Beyond that, this isnā€™t optional in the Christian life. Paul says weā€™re not ā€œpermitted to insist on our own way in these matters.ā€ He adds, ā€œYour task is to single-mindedly serve Christ.ā€

Take Away: If Godā€™s people live in obedience to these words of Scripture the entire church world will be turned upside down.

Devotional on Romans

2014 – Cape Disappointment – Dead Man’s Cove

The Holy Spirit working through me

Romans 15: The wondrously powerful and transformingly present words and deeds of Christ in me.

Adventures, Paulā€™s had some! Heā€™s pioneered the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the region. Heā€™s been at the forefront of a tidal wave of the work of the Holy Spirit and, because of that, heā€™s not only taken plenty of hits, heā€™s also seen first-hand just what God can do. Paul, though, is quite humble about all that. He doesnā€™t glorify himself. Rather, he gives glory to the Lord for it all. At times, even though heā€™s in the middle of it all heā€™s found himself more bystander than participant as something ā€œwondrously powerfulā€ happens. Paul understands that it isnā€™t his cleverness or winning personality thatā€™s ā€œtriggered a believing response.ā€ The message about Christ is actually delivered by Christ, through Paul. I wish I had a better handle on this. So often I find myself behaving as though itā€™s all about my performance. I let myself become so focused on how Iā€™m doing that I forget that, actually, Iā€™m not required to do much at all. The Lord wants me to place my full weight of trust on him and allow him to minister through me. My cooperation is required and the Lord will use my personality, education, etc. along the way, but itā€™s all powered by his Holy Spirit and not by me. There are times when Paul is amazed at the response to his ministry. As I cooperate with the Lord, I, too, will be surprised as lives are touched as the Lord ministers to people through me. Letā€™s not be guilty of underestimating the ability of the Lord to minister through us.

Take Away: As we cooperate with the Lord he does amazing things through us that surprise us as much as anyone else.

Devotional on Romans

2014 – Cape Disappointment – North Head Lighthouse

No Scripture abuse allowed here

Romans 16: Keep a sharp eye out for those who take bits and pieces of the teaching you have learned.

The first theology book of Christianity is being concluded. The final pages are more about words of greeting than theology. Now, almost an afterthought, the Apostle warns his readers about the danger of taking ā€œbits and piecesā€ of the truth and using them in such a way as to create an untruth. Some people, Paul warns them, are pretty good at doing this bad thing. They take true statements and then twist them to their own purposes. He tells his readers to stay away from people like that. As I read this warning I canā€™t help but think that one of the best ways for me to avoid this trap is to study Godā€™s Word, making the effort to know what it really says. Another thing that comes to mind is that I donā€™t ever want to be one of these troublemakers who abuse the Bible, making it say what I want it to say. I canā€™t help but think that had Paul seen the future and how it would be his own words that would most often be abused in this way that this particular admonition would have been given a more prominent place in this letter. It might have been placed on page one, written in capital letters, rather than being shoehorned between words of greetings here on the final page.

Take Away: The Lord doesnā€™t take it lightly when people abuse Scripture.

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