Devotional on Isaiah

2007 – Blanchard Caverns, Arkansas

Langoliers theology
Isaiah 41: Who did this? … I did. God. I’m first on the scene. I’m also the last to leave.
At the conclusion of the movie “The Langoliers” the adventurers travel “back to the future” and find themselves just a few minutes ahead of the present. They stand along the wall, out of the way, and wait for time to catch up to them. When the “present” arrives, theyā€™re already in place, waiting for it. Now, I’m not ready to build a “Langoliers theology” and Iā€™m not ready (or qualified) to come up with some “God in time” observation. However, Isaiah’s statement about God’s presence brings that scene to mind. I arrive at some moment in my life and suddenly find myself dealing with something for which Iā€™m totally unprepared. In spite of that, Isaiah reminds me that thereā€™s one who is there before me, not surprised at all and ready to help me work my way through this unexpected circumstance. No matter what happens I need to remember that God got there first and can handle things just fine.
Take Away: It doesnā€™t take much for me to be in over my head so Iā€™d best trust in the Lord in such situations.

Devotional on Ezekiel

2010 – Northeastern New Mexico Lava Rocks from Capulin Volcano (maybe)

A visit to Godā€™s throne
Ezekiel 10: Court and Temple were both filled with the blazing presence of the Glory of God.
Ezekiel encounters those “wheels within wheels” once again, this time as part of a glorious vision of God. Most of what I’d call the “personal” side of Ezekiel isn’t attractive to me. Under God’s direction he does some pretty strange stuff and some of it must have been downright painful. On the other side of the coin, though, are encounters like this one with the Glory of God. I’m not saying I can read his words and come away with an accurate understanding of it all. These are complex events and I’m sure I wouldn’t have done as good a job as he does in his attempt to describe his famous “wheels within wheels” or the sound of cherubim wings or the Voice like thunder or a sky-blue, sapphire colored throne. I can’t grasp it all and I can’t help but feel a little jealous (is it okay to be jealous of another man’s vision?) of Ezekiel’s moment in the presence of God. Still, I appreciate his allowing me to tag along as he encounters the Lord Almighty. Even though I know I’m like a blind man in the presence of a rainbow, I still get just a faint sense of it all. In this place I’m fearfully reverent and I know that there are depths to the Glory of God that I can’t hope to comprehend. I still can’t grasp it all but thanks to Ezekiel I know more than I would otherwise.
Take Away: There are depths to the Glory of the Lord that I can’t hope to comprehend.

Devotional on Ezekiel

2010 – Northeastern New Mexico

The story continues
Ezekiel 1: God’s hand came upon him that day.
Jeremiah’s story leads up to the fall of Israel to Babylon. We leave Jeremiah in Egypt with the handful of survivors who fled there after the destruction of Jerusalem. Now, as I turn the page, I find myself in the company of the majority who are exiled in Babylon. The clock has been turned back a bit as I join those taken in the first stage of the exile. The destruction of Jerusalem is still ten years away. This particular group of refugees has been settled along the Kebar River, southwest of city of Babylon. Their beloved Jerusalem is now a distant memory; they’ll never return. It seems to them that their connection to the God of Abraham is severed. Simply put, they’ve failed the Almighty and the Almighty has kicked them out. Their religion has focused on the Temple and now they’ll never see it again. It’s time to move on. Interestingly, they aren’t very far from the place where God first spoke to their ancestor, Abraham in the town of Ur, just to the east of them. They’re about to find out that God isnā€™t limited by location and he doesn’t need a Temple as a headquarters. This God who spoke to Abraham promising their very existence, is about to speak to them. A young priest named Ezekiel will take up where Jeremiah left off as God’s spokesman to his people.
Take Away: The Lord isnā€™t limited by location and he doesn’t need a Temple as a headquarters.

Devotional on Ezekiel

2011 – London Eye, London, UK

Living in the city of ā€œGod-is-Thereā€
Ezekiel 48: The name of the city will be Yahweh-Shammah: “God-is-There.”
In his vision Ezekiel continues measuring the Temple and the land surrounding it. He sees a stream flowing out of the Temple that increases in size, giving life to all it touches. The prophet measures out divisions in the land and finds that there’s a place for all the people of Israel; no one is excluded. Ezekiel sees that there are gates named after each tribe, providing abundant entrance to all who will come. He then concludes that the Holy City will be christened with a new name: “Yahweh-Shammah.” In that, he understands that people far and near will conclude the same thing, that heaven has come to earth and that God is now with us. After journeying through Ezekiel for some time now and hearing his pain-filled sermons I find this passage to be a welcoming place to land: a flowing river, green trees, and the Holy City with space for all who will come to the Presence of God. That’s God’s intent for Israel and it’s his intent for all Creation. If you think about it, the book of Revelation follows the same pattern: war, suffering, hard times giving way to eternity as the Lord intended it in the first place. For Ezekiel a vision of God’s intentions is all about the restoration of Israel and the Temple. The Revelator paints a broader picture, but that River is still there and his rebuilt Jerusalem comes down out of heaven. For both, the end result is “Yahweh-Shammah.” I join both of these godly men in looking forward to that day.
Take Away: Ultimately, the Lord will redeem his people and will dwell among them.

Devotional on Daniel

2011 – Parliament and Big Ben, London, UK

God is still God even when everythingā€™s falling apart
Daniel 1: The Master handed King Jehoiakim of Judah over to him.
My devotional journey moves now to the book of Daniel. I’m glad to arrive here. For several months I’ve spent time in some of the hard scrabble writings of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel. I’m ready to enjoy some devotional reading of some of the greatest stories of the Bible. Daniel isn’t above giving us visions and prophecies. In fact, his book is divided almost equally between stories of God’s deliverance and prophecies of God’s sovereignty. For now, though, I’m looking forward to Daniel’s rise to prominence in Babylon, the story of the fiery furnace, and, of course, the lion’s den! The events of Daniel take place around 600 years before Christ. When King Jehoiakim of Judah rebels against his master Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon Jerusalem is attacked and brought to her knees. The Temple is ransacked and many of its citizens are taken captive. Among the captives are members of the royal line. Nebuchadnezzar’s policy is to pick of the best of the people of this defeated nation and indoctrinate them into the ways of his nation. Daniel is one of those chosen for this. Off he goes to Babylon, apparently, under the control of a king and government that has no interest in his Hebrew heritage. In this dark hour of uncertainty it may seem to Daniel and friends that God had lost interest in them, but it isn’t so. Things are just getting interesting!
Take Away: When it seems all is lost the Lord is just getting started!

Devotional on Daniel

2011 – Upper and Lower Slaughter, UK

Heā€™s still in the fire
Daniel 3: I see four men, walking around freely in the fire.
A “theophany” is the appearance of God in human forum, specifically in the Old Testament. Abraham and Jacob and Moses have such encounters and then there’s this incident: three men are tossed into the fire, but the king sees four. I understand that there are theological reasons to hesitate here, but I’m glad to hide behind the “devotional” aspect of my writing and leap wholeheartedly into this fire! The Hebrews are being executed because of their faithfulness to the Lord. Then, in the fire thereā€™s a fourth man who, even the pagan king, can tell is “God-like.” On this day Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego experience a “theophany.” They meet the Lord in that furnace and he protects them from the fire! The furnaces of life might scare me to death, but it’s in those places that I find one who’s not only unafraid, but is in complete authority. Since he’s God he can appear in whatever form he wants, and because he’s God there’s nothing that’s going to happen to me there that he does not allow and can’t see me through.
Take Away: There’s nothing that can happen to us that the Lord doesnā€™t allow and that he can’t see me through.

Devotional on Jonah

2013 – Shenandoah National Park, VA – Skyline Drive

About as low as you can go
Jonah 2: My prayer got through to you.
When heā€™s thrown into the stormy sea he’s sure he’s a gonner. Then this huge fish shows up, mouth open wide, and Jonah thinks this is certainly the end. Now, in the darkness, trying to get the sea weed off of his face he realizes heā€™s still alive. This isnā€™t Star Trek and he didnā€™t go ā€œboldlyā€ but Jonah finds himself ā€œwhere no man has gone before.ā€ In this predicament Jonah wonders if prayers from the inside of a fish at the bottom of the sea can possibly reach heaven. Since he has no other choice he begins to cry out to the God he fled. Years earlier the suffering Job heard the Lord promise that he visited the ā€œsprings of the sea.ā€ Now Jonah becomes the first human being to put that statement to a literal test. Later he reports, ā€œMy prayer got through….ā€ Now, Iā€™ve never been deep under water in the belly of a fish. I tried scuba once but I stayed pretty close to the surface so Iā€™ll just have to take Jonahā€™s testimony at face value. However, Iā€™ve been in some situations in which I felt distant from God and I wondered if my prayers could ever get through ā€“ but they did! In this passage I find hope for every person who thinks theyā€™re so far from God and have messed up so many times that theyā€™re gonners. Today I see that the Lord hears prayers, even from the depths of the sea.
Take Away: Thereā€™s hope for every person who thinks theyā€™re so far from the Lord that thereā€™s no hope for them.

Devotional on Zechariah

2014 – Sumner Lake State Park, NM

God powered
Zechariah 4: You canā€™t force these things. They only come about through my Spirit.
This statement to governor Zerubbabel is part of one of the most famous portions of Zechariahā€™s writings. Zerubbabel has already accomplished great things in leading the exiles back to Jerusalem. Now, in response to the urgings of Haggai and Zechariah heā€™s ready to shoulder the task of rebuilding the Temple. His heart, and the hearts of his people, is in the right place. God is pleased with them. The Lordā€™s words to the good man and his people are wonderfully encouraging: the Temple will be rebuilt not because of some extraordinary human effort, but by the power of Godā€™s Spirit. This doesnā€™t mean that the governor and people can sit back and do nothing while a Temple rises from the ashes of destruction, but it does mean that the power for this project is coming from God. The Lord is with them, not only approving of their actions but empowering them as well. With that in mind I see here that my efforts to accomplish things in the Name of the Lord arenā€™t limited by my own initiative, skills, or intelligence. Every program of the church should be eligible for the label: ā€œGod powered.ā€ If that isnā€™t an encouraging word I donā€™t know what is.
Take Away: What we accomplish in the Name of the Lord we accomplish by the power of the Lord.

Devotional on Matthew

2014 – Arches National Park, Utah

Living in the present

Matthew 6: Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now.

I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with anticipation. Part of the joy of Christmas is the ā€œlonging with hopeā€ aspect of it that we highlight on the first Sunday of Advent each year. Still, thereā€™s a danger of so looking forward to something in the future that we forget to live in the present. Life isnā€™t all about tomorrow, for good or bad. Life is lived in the present. It has no rewind or fast forward buttons. In this passage Jesus reminds us that God is with us ā€œright now.ā€ We remember wonderful blessings in the past and appreciate what the Lord did for us then. We also look to the future with confidence in faith that the same good, gracious God will be with us in that day. Still, itā€™s right now thatā€™s most under my control. Not that I control the circumstances of right now, but I have some say about how I will live in those circumstances. So, one thing I gain from this passage is the reminder to live in this present moment; to appreciate the good things and to trust God with the not-so-good things. The other thing that comes to mind is the calm, certain assurance that God is, indeed, doing something ā€œright now.ā€ I may be praying for a great revival to come to my church, longing for that day to come. I may be looking forward to some major life event like the birth of a grandchild or some special anniversary. However, Jesus tells me that God is also doing things right here and right now. Heā€™s working in my life, walking with me in these ordinary days of life. After all, the great mystery of Christmas is the incarnation, Emmanuel, God with us.

Take Away: I need to be more aware of the blessings of life right now and not always focusing on some future blessing.

Devotional on Genesis

2013 – Smoky Mountains and vicinity – White Water Falls

Jacobā€™s stairway vision
Genesis 28: God was in this place ā€“ truly. And I didnā€™t even know it.
Jacob ā€“ that ā€œheel grasperā€ has lived down to his name. He, with this help of his mother, fooled his father, Isaac, into granting him the precious blessing that rightfully belonged to his brother. Now, heā€™s paying for it by having to get out of the country before Esau can get his hands on him. Alone in the night he has an unexpected encounter with God. In spite of his failure and lack of character God graciously renews to Jacob the promise he made to his grandfather, Abraham. Jacob awakes from his dream and says, ā€œGod was here, in this place ā€“ far from home, when I have done nothing but wrong, and when I am not thinking of him at all ā€“ he was here all the time.ā€ Jacob is not only on a long journey in distance, heā€™s at the first step of a spiritual journey that will take decades. This ā€œheelā€ has heard from God and while thereā€™s still more wrong than right about him this ā€œstairway visionā€ marks the beginning of that spiritual journey. The story of Jacobā€™s spiritual journey is more entertaining than most, but it does remind us of our own stories. I am glad today for Godā€™s grace ā€“ his unexpected, unearned, promising, and patient grace.
Take away: Thank God for grace.

Devotional on Exodus

Burning bush
Exodus 3: The bush was blazing away but it didnā€™t burn up.
I love the story of Mosesā€™ encounter with the Lord. Heā€™s spent 40 years living apart from his own people, tending sheep. The idea of running into God out there in the wilderness must be the farthest thing from his mind. He sees smoke on the horizon and goes to investigate. As he gets closer he sees that itā€™s just a lonely bush thatā€™s ablaze. The thing is, the fire isnā€™t consuming the bush and has a source of fuel that Moses canā€™t see. Heā€™s about to find out that the bush is ablaze with the presence of the Lord. I doubt that Moses thought about it, but that bush is doing the very opposite of what he did. When he was younger he burned with compassion for his enslaved kin. However, these years in the wilderness have quenched that fire. Unlike the bush that keeps on burning, he settled for a life in exile, leaving his fellow Hebrews in slavery in Egypt. When I act on my own, doing what I think is a good idea, I tend to run out of energy. After all, Iā€™m drawing on my talents and abilities and it doesnā€™t take long for me to run dry. However, when I live in the Lord and allow his Holy Spirit to be my Guide and my Source, well, Iā€™ve tapped into the Power Source thatā€™s never exhausted. Lord, let the fire of your Presence burn in my heart today.
Take Away: If Iā€™m going to be used of God I need to allow him to be my power source, otherwise Iā€™m bound to fail.

Devotional on Exodus

2014 – Arches National Park, Utah

Exodus 3: Youā€™re standing on holy ground.
Holy Ground
Out in the wilderness Moses finds himself in the Presence of the Lord. Itā€™s instructive to note that Moses didnā€™t go out to that place on a spiritual retreat in an attempt to find God. Instead, the Lord finds him, getting his attention in a unique, unforgettable way. Itā€™s the Lord who calls out to Moses as he called out to Adam and Eve in the Garden and as he will call out to the boy Samuel many years hence. Moses is shocked to hear his own name being called out from that burning bush and he instinctively draws closer. However, the Lord stops him, telling him to remove his shoes because heā€™s now on ā€œholy ground.ā€ Obviously, itā€™s the Presence of the Lord in that place that makes, what would otherwise be just dirt, into something sacred. In many cultures today, shoe removal is an act of respect or reverence. The command that Moses remove his sandals isnā€™t a brand new idea to Moses; itā€™s just that heā€™s in a holy place and at first, didnā€™t realize it. It should come as no surprise that the Lord likes to come into our lives in unexpected ways! Heā€™s been doing that since the very beginning. At first, I may miss whatā€™s happening altogether but as soon as it dawns on me that God has come close, Iā€™m to reverently respond; realizing that, what I thought was common has been sanctified by his presence.
Take Away: Where ever I encounter God that place becomes for me, holy ground.

Devotional on Exodus

2014 – Mesa Verde National Park, CO

Get out of jail free card
Exodus 8: Iā€™ll make a sharp distinction between your people and mine.
The first two plagues that fall on Egypt might be called ā€œequal opportunity plagues.ā€ That is, everyone, Egyptians and Hebrews alike, suffer from them. From the third plague on though, the area inhabited by the slaves, Goshen, is a sanctuary from all the bad stuff that comes. I canā€™t help but wonder why it happens like this. One thing that comes to mind is that from the third plague on the magicians of Egypt give up on duplicating the miracles. In fact, they tell Pharaoh that this is ā€œGodā€™s doing,ā€ suggesting that he needs to give in. When the magicians drop out of the contest, the descendants of Abraham no longer experience the plagues. Maybe thereā€™s a connection. Another thing I note is that, at first, these people are hesitant to believe that Moses is being sent by God to rescue them. Maybe the Lord allows them to experience the first two plagues to convince them that something beyond the ordinary is happening here. Iā€™m sure there are other explanations but these two come to mind as I consider this passage today. Beyond that, though, is a reminder that sometimes Godā€™s people go through the same hardships as everyone else. Being a follower of the Lord is no ā€œget out of jail freeā€ card. In fact, the unwelcome hardship might just be a part of Godā€™s plan for us. The road to heaven isnā€™t always a pleasant stroll. Sometimes, there are portions of the route that weā€™d just as soon never travel.
Take Away: The Lord never promised us an easy journey, but he did promise to be with us on that journey and to deliver us to himself at the end of the road.

Devotional on Exodus

2014 – Canyonlands National Park, UT

Itā€™s a local call
Exodus 29: Iā€™ll move in and live with the Israelites. Iā€™ll be their God. Theyā€™ll realize that I am their Godā€¦.
Moses, their leader, is on the mountaintop, both physically and spiritually, in conference with God Almighty whoā€™s giving him all kinds of instructions. The Lord intends to make the people of Israel a unique nation on the face of the earth. Right now the Lord is in the process of setting everything in motion. In the midst of the detailed plans for the Tabernacle and itā€™s furnishings I hear an earth shaking promise from God. He says, ā€œIā€™ll move in and liveā€¦Iā€™ll be their Godā€¦theyā€™ll realize thatā€¦.ā€ This concept is both humbling and thrilling. The Lord isnā€™t going to sit up on Mount Sinai, distant and unapproachable. Instead, heā€™s moving in with them. Some years ago a joke was going around about churches having a ā€œgolden telephoneā€ providing direct access to the Lord. The punch line depended on where the joke teller lived. Of course, for me, Texas was the featured state. Using the golden telephone in Texas is much cheaper because calling heaven is local call from Texas. In this passage in Exodus we find that the Lord intends that it be a ā€œlocal callā€ when his people call his name. Heā€™s moving in and has no desire to be beyond our reach. Itā€™s humbling to think that God Almighty would take such interest in mere human beings. However, itā€™s also thrilling to consider that he wants to move into my neighborhood and be an active participant in my everyday life. For Moses, this is all about the Tabernacle and worship there. For me it is all about Jesus coming and then sending his Holy Spirit to ā€œmove in and liveā€ in my heart. ā€œOh Lord, come on in, youā€™re welcome here.ā€
Take Away: The Lord is as near as my next thought directed to him.

Devotional on Exodus

2014 – Dead Horse Point State Park, UT

Walking with the Lord
Exodus 33: If your presence doesnā€™t take the lead here, call this trip off right now.
Following the golden calf incident the Lord tells Moses heā€™s going to change his relationship with the Israelites. Instead of being personally present, guiding them to the Promised Land, the Lord is going to assign that job to an angel. These Israelites, the Lord says, are a hard-headed people and they might just push too hard against God and be destroyed because of it. In response, Moses has another meeting with the Lord as the Pillar of Cloud descends on the Tabernacle. As Abraham interceded for the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah centuries earlier, Moses begins to deal with the Almighty. He reminds the Lord that it was the Lord, himself, who called him from tending sheep to lead these people. He doesnā€™t want to settle for an angel. Instead, he wants the presence of the Lord, himself, on his life and on the lives of the Israelites. In desperate insistence, Moses declares, ā€œIf your presence doesnā€™t take the lead here, call this trip off right now….are you traveling with us or not?ā€ In the face of this intercession the Lord relents. It wonā€™t be an angel who travels with the Israelites; it will be the Lord, himself. I have some theological issues with this whole exchange. After all, isnā€™t the Lord everywhere, all the time? Still, Iā€™m drawn to this exchange between Moses and the Lord. As wonderful as an angelic visitation might be, it doesnā€™t hold a candle to the very presence of the Lord in my life. As Moses indicates, he doesnā€™t want to take a single step without the Lord. As I rise in the morning and enter into my day I want to do so in the spirit of Moses: I donā€™t want to say a word, to do a deed, to walk a step without the Lord in my life.
Take Away: I want to live in constant fellowship with the Lord, every step of the way.

Devotional on Leviticus

2014 – Point Whitehorn Marine Reserve – near Birch Bay, WA

Rules and regs
Leviticus 1: God called Moses and spoke to him from the Tent of Meeting.
I know Iā€™ll hear no contrary opinion when I say that the Book of Leviticus isnā€™t the most read book of the Bible. Itā€™s about sacrifices and offerings and dedicating children and skin diseases. The most direct application of the rules and regulations of Leviticus pertain to the work of the Levites (those who served at the Tabernacle) and not very much to us. The instructions given touch on almost all aspects of how these Israelites of thousands of years ago were to live. In fact, itā€™s the ā€œalmost allā€ character of these regulations that opens the fuller meaning of Leviticus to us. God is coming down off the mountain to dwell among them. Heā€™s going to inhabit the Tabernacle but thatā€™s not all there is to it. Heā€™s involving himself in every aspect of their lives. Of course, that includes the sacrificial system but it also includes how they’ll handle the messy part of their humanity. It includes their religious feasts and festivals but it also includes how they conduct their business affairs. I may read the prohibition against priests shaving their heads and see it as a quaint old historical fact, but when I put the whole scope of Leviticus into play I see Godā€™s connection to every part of their lives, including how they cut their hair. I never doubt that God’s interested in how I go about worshipping him, and Iā€™m familiar enough with the Ten Commandments to know that he insists on righteous living. However, Leviticus reminds me that the Lord’s also interested in the ā€œnon-religiousā€ and ā€œno-moral-aspectā€ parts of my life too. That doesnā€™t mean he intends to dictate how I handle the mundane details of my life, but it does mean heā€™s interested in such things and that he sees beyond the surface to the deeper meaning of things I may take for granted.
Take Away: The Lord wants to participate in all my life.

Devotional on Leviticus

Fan the flames
Leviticus 6: Keep the fire burning on the Altar continuously. It must not go out.
Instructions for worship continue, and will throughout the book. The command to keep the Altar fire burning stands out. The fire is representative of God. It was fire that Moses encountered in the desert; itā€™s a pillar of fire that leads them at night. The fire of the Altar also symbolizes the presence and work of Jehovah in their midst. Because of that, the command is that it never be allowed to go out. The application is pretty easy to understand and not so easy to apply. I want the fire of Godā€™s presence in my life to burn freely ā€“ and, like that of the burning bush: never go out. It was the work of those who tended to the Tent of Meeting to assure the perpetuity of the flame, and itā€™s my responsibility to keep that flame burning in my life. I pray, read the Word, and live in fellowship with God and his people. In the midst of my busyness, this is my priority. The fire of God must keep burning.
Take Away: Godā€™s fire in my life must be tended and never taken for granted.

Devotional on Leviticus

2014 – Whatcom Falls Park, Bellingham, WA

The more things change the more they stay the same
Leviticus 13: The priest will examine the sore on the skin.
Here I am in everybodyā€™s favorite part of Leviticus. Iā€™m reading about clean and unclean foods, infections, womanā€™s stuff, and mildew. Frankly, itā€™ll get worse before it gets better. A quick peek ahead reveals a riveting chapter on bodily discharges. I can hardly wait! Of course, Iā€™m kidding about these chapters being everyoneā€™s favorite. I wonder how many New Yearā€™s resolutions to read the Bible through have been shipwrecked right here in these chapters of Leviticus! Still, Iā€™m taken with Godā€™s interest in every part of their lives. This call to holiness reaches deeper than their making sacrifices for their sins or their being sure they show proper reverence to the Lord and his Tabernacle. When a person gets an infection heā€™s not only to deal with it from the aspect of personal hygiene but from a spiritual point of view too. Know what, this isnā€™t as far off the beam as one might think. A while back I went through two rounds of antibiotics trying to get rid of a sinus infection. Somewhere in the dreary days of the second week of that infection, I reminded the Lord that, while I knew there were lots of other concerns in the world, I wouldnā€™t mind his help in healing that infection. As I remember those unwelcome days in light of these chapters of Leviticus Iā€™m reminded that Godā€™s in play in the everyday bumps in the road of life. The specifics of dealing with some of those things has changed, but the basics havenā€™t changed all that much.
Take Away: The Lordā€™s interest in our lives goes way beyond our reading our Bibles and going to church.

Devotional on Numbers

2014 – Whidbey Island, WA

Now that I have your attention
Numbers 7: When Moses entered the Tent of Meeting to speak with God, he heard the Voice [of God]ā€¦He spoke with him.
One thing about these ancient Israelites: they know how to throw a party. The dedication of the Tent of Meeting lasts twelve days with each day having its own pageantry and symbolism. Each of the family tree groups gets a day of its own and as the days progress each family is connected to this sacred place. The offerings have been made and now Moses, instead of going up on the mountain to meet with God, enters the Most Holy Place in the new Worship Center to complete its dedication. In an awesome moment, there above the Covenant Chest and between the golden angels Godā€™s Voice is heard. Wow! No longer will it take a trip up Mount Sinai for a meeting with the Lord. Instead, he comes to them, dwelling right there at the heart of their camp. Itā€™s impressive to remember that this wasnā€™t Mosesā€™ idea. The building and furnishing of the Tabernacle was initiated by the Lord, himself. The Israelites donā€™t have to figure out some way to get Godā€™s attention. In fact, from the very beginning of their story itā€™s the Lord who has reached out to them, initiating a relationship with them. So it is to this day. It isnā€™t that I figure out just what I have to do to get God to respond to me. Instead, from the start, he reaches out to me, inviting me to be his very own. When I hear and respond I find that the Almighty is more than willing to allow me to connect my life to his.
Take Away: God has always been a communicating God.

Devotional on Numbers

2014 – Mt St Helens, WA

ā€œCome into my heart, Lord Jesusā€
Numbers 35: Don’t desecrate the land in which you live. I live here tooā€¦.
Iā€™ve now worked my way through the “numbers” of the book of Numbers. Numbers of people and cattle and cities; who lives where and how many days between various worship events. It isn’t exactly riveting reading. In fact, it would have been easy to miss the pure gold at the end of chapter 35. The issue here is how the people are to deal with murder. Due to the fact that the laws God gives the Israelites are foundational to our own legal system it seems to be pretty common stuff. Actually though, itā€™s groundbreaking material, reshaping human society. God insists on justice, and adds that if society takes murder lightly the whole land will be polluted. Then he adds, “don’t desecrate the land where you live — after all, I live here too.” In spite of the dreary subject, this is a wonderful phrase of hope. Their Creator, the Sovereign of the Universe, God Almighty says his address is on their street. These days, because of the Gift of the Holy Spirit, things are even more personal. God lives, not just “in the land” but “in my heart.” If God’s presence in the land emphasized the importance of purity there, how much more does his presence in my life call for purity of heart?
Take Away: Itā€™s a wonderful blessing to have the Lord call our lives ā€œhomeā€ ā€“ at the same time it carries with it a real sense of responsibility.

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